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Volksbank Elsterland OLMOMS e.V.
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Wie die Spenden verwendet werden
Förderaktivitäten der OLMOMS
Uns liegt die Förderung von benachteiligten Kindern und Jugendlichen am Herzen
In the first two years, our association was primarily concerned with promoting disadvantaged children and young people. We have therefore decided to actively support the German Children’s Hospice Association e.V. (A German Children’s Hospice Association) with two large donations.
Our heartfelt concern here was to support children, adolescents and young adults with a life-shortening illness. Our contribution not only benefited the affected children, but also their siblings and parents, as they are competently accompanied on their life path in the hospice, as families and from the time of diagnosis. Life with all its facets, dying and the time after the death of the children are the focus of hospice work. Child and youth hospice work is interdisciplinary and includes, among other things, pediatric palliative care and nursing.
Another focus of our support was the Christian association Maria Hilf-t e.V. Maria Hilf-t e.V. This association in the diocese of Dresden-Meißen supports the rehabilitation of juvenile offenders after their prison sentence has expired in the Christian-Catholic sense.
We also support the Thallion and their animal-assisted therapies for needy and physically or mentally disabled children. Our financial support through your help ensures that young people can enjoy excellent therapy.
Our core objectives are Marian Refuges and the distribution of Our Lady’s Messages of Mercy for the World. Our principal purpose is to make Her messages far better known on earth. We want these messages of love, faith and light to be known to the broadest possible audience. Click here to find out about our vision and make your personal contribution today to achieve this goal. Click here to learn about our vision.
Der Verein Thallion